Raleigh Roof Rescue team

Raleigh Roof Rescue
Community Involvement

We take great pride in the fact that we’ve committed to giving back to the communities we are blessed to serve through our Raleigh Roof Rescue Program. When we work with you on your roofing project, a portion of our proceeds go to help fund Camp Celebrate and the North Carolina Firefighters’ Burned Children Fund. This is not a one-time deal or a special case situation — we donate on every job we do. These partnerships make your project mean more to us than you’ll ever know. It is a passion, our sense of community. When you choose to do business with Raleigh Roof Rescue, you’re choosing to come alongside us in supporting this compassionate cause.

David Nance is the president of the organization and you can donate specifically to Camp Celebrate via him or you can donate to your local chapter to help fund life safety education and prevention programs in your area. Your local chapters are hosted by your local Fire Department where more information can be obtained on life safety and prevention programs.

Annual Weekend Camping Experience For Childrens
Camp Celebrate

Camp Celebrate is the annual weekend camping experience for the children who are former and current patients of the North Carolina Jaycee Burn Center at the University of North Carolina Hospitals. Camp Celebrate allows the burned child an opportunity to learn, grow, and experience success.

Camp provides a therapeutic, educational, and recreational adventure through which the child can learn new and necessary skills while having fun in the process.

The overall purpose of Camp Celebrate is to provide a supportive, therapeutic environment in which each child’s concept of himself/herself as an individual, a member of a group, a learner, and a worker can be assisted in a positive direction.

Burned children, like all children, are curious, adventuresome human beings.

They are constantly seeking approval, are eager to learn, enjoy life, and want to be able to accept themselves and be accepted by others. They want to be accepted and Camp Celebrate can help a child meet these basic needs through the special activities and attention he/she receives at Camp.

community members